I was recently contacted to photograph two baby goats; twin mini Nubians Alexis and Moira. Um, yeah! I mean c'mon; it's baby goats! These two darlings are twin sisters although Alexis (pink flowers) has wattles on her neck and Moira (peach flowers) doesn't, but apart from that they're fairly indistinguishable from one another.
It's week 5 of the Pet Photography 52 Week Project and the theme is "symmetrical" - BAM - these girls were tailor made for this! Nubian goats come in a variety of colors; black, tan, and chestnut are predominant and white or pale patches (or mottles) are common. Those with white facial stripes may be an indication of crossbreeding with goats of Swiss origin. After doing some research, it's not very common for twin kids to be so similarly (and symmetrically) marked.
This wasn't my first time photographing goats, but it was the first time I had them in my Carrollton studio and it was quickly apparent that they weren't dogs (enjoy the outtake below!).
(click on any image to view full screen)